Admission Procedures
- A candidate wishing to enrol for a Postgraduate Diploma, Masters, MPhil or Doctoral degree in Ahmadu Bello University shall apply for provisional admission, through the SPGS.
- Applications for admission for Postgraduate studies shall be made online.
- All candidates shall supply the names of three academic referees.
- Candidates seeking admission for Postgraduate studies must, in addition, fulfil the general University basic requirements including English Language and Mathematics where applicable.
- The SPGS shall forward the application of each candidate to the Departments through the Dean of the relevant Faculty for consideration and recommendation.
- The Departments through the Faculty/Academic Boards shall forward a recommended list of candidates along with a provisional list of supervisors in each case to the Board of the SPGS.
- The University shall not be obliged to give reasons for rejecting the candidature of any applicant for postgraduate studies.
- First Class graduates of ABU shall be considered for an M.Phil/PhD admission; 3rd Class + PGD qualifies an applicant for Master admission and a minimum CGPA of 3.5 is required for a straight PhD admission.
- Upon admission and registration, there shall be options/choices for flexible payments and registration plans within the allowable residency of postgraduate programmes as approved by the University.
- There shall be procedures of admission and registration as determined by the SPGS Board, subject to periodic review.
- Detailed procedure for admission and registration would be as approved by the SPGS Board
- International Students shall be required to satisfy all immigration requirements during their